Mikkel Andersen
Example of concert programme
Johann Sebastian Bach
Heitor Villa-Lobos
Antonio Lauro
Agustin Barrios Mangoré
Isaac Albéniz
Chaconne i d-mol
Prelude nr. 1 i e-mol Prelude nr. 2. I E-dur
Prelude nr. 3. i C-dur
Prelude nr. 4 i e-mol
Prelude nr. 5 i D-dur
El Negrito
Julia Florida
Seranata Grenada
Leyenda de Asturias

The concert begins with Johann Sebastian Bach's Chaconne. A 15-minute meditation on a four-bar chord tour. At some point, the key changes to major and then returns to minor.
Villa-Lobos's five preludes are a tribute to humanity. A declaration of love for the folklore of his native Brazil and for the mix of people and art that the country embraces.
Antonio Lauro from Venezuela was the son of an Italian immigrant. A great inspiration for him was Barrios Mangoré. Lauro was inspired by the Venezuelan musical tradition.
Agustin Barrios Mangoré from Paraguay described through his music the love for what he came from. As a child of a mixed marriage (Spanish and native), it was important for him to connect with both sides of his identity.